Nicole Gentles


Nicole Gentles

You know whats terrifying? Change. Its constant and uncontrollable and scary. Im writing now because the spirits called me to. Im tired and a little sad, throat clenched. Everything will be ok, though. Were heading into the cold season, hibernation season. Harvest is almost over and we all need to find a warm space to settle for a bit. Gather ourselves. Feed ourselves. Love ourselves. Autumn has been astonishing to me this year. I am so grateful for my family and the time ive spent at home. I feel it coming to an end. I feel change on the horizon for us all. I feel light and fluid. I feel a grounding coming. Floating to the next island. So, for now we trust the process. We go with the flow and don’t fight the current. We trust ourselves and the universe to be exactly what it it needs to be when it needs to be it. We accept abundance in all forms, we give freely knowing all will return. My life is moving on, toward something new. To a new love. To a new space. To a new energy. To a higher frequency. But my back hurts and i have to work on projects im not inspired by and live a bit stunted. I am surely blessed but there is much to be improved. I wish reflection upon all my readers and growth throughout our communities.